



Prize Room Pictures!


Canton Elementary School becomes PBIS Banner School for implementing with fidelity. 

Positive  Behavior  Interventions  and  Support 
What is it?
    Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture and needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional and academic success.  
Canton Area Elementary's Mission Statement:
    The mission of PBIS at Canton Area Elementary School is to foster and promote a safe and positive learning environment, that allows children to reach their greatest potential.  This is accomplished through Acting respectfully, being Engaged, and Staying safe.  Through positive behavioral supports, we aspire to enable children to become productive and respectful members of their community.
 Here are some common questions and answers about PBIS:
1.  What is an"ODR" or Office Disciplinary Referral Form?
2. What are "Cool Tools" and what do they look like?
3. What are the expected behaviors of the PBIS program?
4. What are some of the incentives students will be eligible for?
5.  For additional information click on the link:  PBIS
  Click on the link below to see our PBIS Video

     Canton Area School PBIS Promo Video

"ODR" - Office Discipline referral

   When a student does not follow the expectations, s/he may receive an Office Discipline Referral (ODR). This form is aligned with the Student Handbook and divides infractions into MINORS and MAJORS. The ODR is a communication tool used between parents, teachers, students, and administration.

    Our goal is to teach children expected behaviors, so that all children can work in a school that is safe, fun, free of distractions, and allows children to reach their maximum learning potential.  Click in the below to download a copy of our Office Referral Form and the PBIS Yellow Team Referral Forms.

  1. Minor ODR form
  2. Major ODR form

What is a "Cool Tool"?

Cool Tools are lesson plans used to teach the school's behavior expectations - they teach all the students what is expected of them and what that looks like. Throughout the school year, new lessons should be taught to all students. Selection, creation, and priority for which lessons are taught should be based on your school's data.

Expected Behavior Matrix

Act RespectfullyRaise your hand when expected

Use appropriate language, kind words and actions

Keep work area clean
Keep hallways clean

Keep hands by your sides

Follow zone expectations
Use an appropriate voice

Use table manners

Say please and thank you
Use appropriate language

Respect privacy

Respect school property

Flush the toilet

Use kind words

Take Turns
Keeps hands and feet to yourself

Use a quiet voice

Use kind words
Are EngagedBring materials to class

Give it your best


Complete assigned tasks on time
Go straight to your locations

Keep up with your class

Follow all directions given by
Use utensils to eat when necessary

Try new foods
Use time wisely

Return to class as soon as possible
Include others

Be a problem solver
Listen closely to directions
Stay SafeKeep hands, feet and other objects to yourself

Sit and move around the room appropriately

Follow directions
Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself

Keep your focus by facing forward

When in line walk in single files

Stay on the right side of the hallway
Keep legs and feet under the table

Keep hands close to your own tray

Ask permission to leave your seat

Follow directions
Keep area clean

Wait patiently for your turn

Use soap and water to wash your hands

Report safety concerns
Follow the equipment rules

Listen for the whistle
Stay seated

Face forward