Cindy Reed, Certified School Nurse
Mrs. Reed is the Certified School Nurse for CASD. Her office is located at Canton Elementary School.
She can be reached by phone or email:
570-673-5196 or
Jennifer Martin, Health Room Assistant
Ms. Martin is the Health Room Assistant for CASD. Her office is located at Canton High School.
She can be reached by phone or email:
570-673-5134 or
PA School Code was amended in March 2017 with changes to school immunizations. Changes may be found at the Division of Immunizations on the PDE website. School vaccination requirements for attendance in PA schools is for ALL children. Please make sure you have checked with your healthcare provider and are prepared for the school vaccination requirements. Should you have questions or concerns regarding immunizations please contact the school nurse (Policy 203). In compliance with School Code, the Board requires participation in health examinations and screenings (Policy 209). These immunization requirements can also be found in our school handbooks as well.
The Canton School Policy for administration of medication during school hours, states that a written request from a parent/legal guardian and physician is required to administer medication in school. Medication to be given on a daily basis throughout the school year must have a form or prescription signed by the physician authorizing the school nurse to administer it in addition to parental consent. Forms are available in the health office. Any changes in dosage or type of medication during the school year should also be accompanied by a new prescription or note from the physician. If a child needs to carry his medication on his person for medical reasons, a note from the doctor is necessary.
PRESCRIPTION AND OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATION MUST BE SENT TO SCHOOL IN ORIGINAL BOTTLE OR BOX labeled either by the pharmacist or drug manufacturer. The school nurse WILL NOT ADMINISTER UNLABELED PILLS SENT TO SCHOOL IN PLASTIC BAGS. Medication must be brought to the health office upon the student’s arrival at school and will be returned at the end of the day. Medication should not be stored in the classroom for student safety. ALL OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS REQUIRE A DOCTOR’S ORDER TO BE ADMINISTERED.
Student Medication Distribution Form - Form must be completed by parent, and on file with the nurse, for student to receive medication while at school.
Type 1 Diabetes Parent fact sheet
Additional information is available at this link - Act 117 - Parental Education of Type 1 Diabetes
Physical exams are state mandated for grades K, 1st, 6th , & 11th .
Dental exams are to be done for K or 1st, 3rd, & 7th grades.
If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Cindy Reed, Certified School Nurse (570-673-5196), or Ms. Jennifer Martin, Health Room Assistant (570-673-5134).