Maintenance Personnel
Fred Richter - Maintenance Team Leader
Steve Turner - Maintenance Two
Adam Ayers - Maintenance Two
Cam Route - Maintenance Two
Custodial Personnel
Tami Barnes - HS Building Lead
Sue Mickey
Nora Barnes
David Lambert
Brenda Stone - ES Building Lead
Sherry Heasley
Billie Jo Shedden
Nick Porter
Crossing Guard
Thomas Krause
Tommy Blackburn

PA Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Safe Drinking Water:  Testing for Lead Guidelines


Integrated Pest Management Plan Inception  April 5, 2004

Canton Area High School

509 East Main St.

Canton, Pa. 17724

Phone 570-673-5134

Canton Area Elementary

545 East Union St.

Canton Pa. 17724

Phone 570-673-5196


Integrated Pest Management director, Fred Richter

IPM Committee

Mark Jannone

Donnie Jacopetti 
Mike Wells 

School IPM Policy

             Canton Area School District utilizes an Integrated Pest Management program, applying appropriate pesticide only when needed. The parents or guardians of students, as well as school employees, will be notified in advance of any planned pesticide application in accordance with Pennsylvania Act 35 and Act 36. 

Previous school pest problems     
     CASD has historically had problems with ants and mice. Our pest control contractor has identified these pests as common ants of different species, field mice and moles. We find when students or faculty leave food or food containers in the buildings our ant problems begin. Our maintenance and custodial staff upon discovering the first ant infiltration contact our district IPM manager. Then immediately the contact is made with our pest control contractor. Our IPM manager informs the building occupants that debris they left in the building created a pest problem.  Mice occasionally find their way into the buildings in search of food and are quickly caught. Sticky traps are always on site and with minimal rodent activity we are ready to catch them early upon their building entry. Pest reporting sheets are supplied to each classroom involved in pest problems and to each kitchen. The logging and recording of pest infiltration is monitored by the IPM manager.

IPM Communication Strategy 
The IPM manager will meet monthly with a representative of County Pest Control, the pest control contractor, to cover monitoring reports. In April of 2004 a meeting was held to establish a pest activity log binder. The log binder is kept in the IPM  manager's office in the high school building and with the food service director in the elementary building. 
Pest activity sheets will be attached and maintained. These sheets will indicate identification of pest (if known), number seen, date, time and location. The district secretaries and food service director will contact the IPM manager of any log activities posted by the staff.  County Pest Control will respond to logged complaints. If any sanitation or structural changes are needed, it will be written in the log along with remedial recommendations. Specific service reports will also be placed in the log binder that document particular actions taken by the pest control contractor. 
           Staff members have been instructed on how to log pest complaints and have been given a brief overview on pest identifications and the conditions that promote the pests. General information is periodically distributed to focus on pest reduction strategies connected to people behavior such as over-watering plants, eating at desks, leaving crumbs, etc.

Records of chemical use
            A record of chemical pesticide(s) applied on school property will be kept in the County Pest Control IPM logbook.

Records of non-chemical use
            A record of non-chemical actions taken of school property will be kept in the County Pest Control IPM logbook.

 Whenever practical, non-chemical means to control or limit pests will be used.  County Pest Control will perform a thorough inspection and provide the IPM committee with a report identifying conditions that are contributing to our ant and mouse problems. Sanitary/housekeeping deficiencies will be reported as well. Once this is done, a priority list will be generated to optimize a plan of corrective actions such as sealing openings with caulk and copper mesh, repairing leaks and screens, reduce clutter, organized stored goods off the floor and away from walls. Mechanical traps will be used to reduce pests.

 At least annually, the IPM committee will meet with the pest control contractor to evaluate the effectiveness of this IPM plan.

A copy of this plan, annual evaluations, pest control contractor recommendations, and pesticide use records will be kept in the County Pest Control IPM logbook in the administrative office.

 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Agriculture offers a Pesticide Hypersensitivity Registry. The registry consists of a list of individuals who have been verified by a physician to have medical problems associated with exposure to pesticides. These individuals must be notified before application of general or restricted use pesticides within 500 feet of their listed locations.

If you live within 500 feet of the Canton Area School District Campus and feel you would qualify for this list contact the IPM manager. A registration form will be provided for you.